05 April 2007

Tomatoes are fattening?

We decided to develop a nutrition workshop for the community agroforestry groups and HIV volunteers. We planned a teaching component where we discussed different food groups, barriers to having good nutrition, health problems associated with poor nutrition and foods that can help with these problems, a comparison of nutritional value in commonly eaten foods and brainstormed ways to have better nutrition with available resources. We then prepared lunch together, giving us an opportunity to share new recipes, emphasizing that people can add vegetables to anything! On the menu was, Spinach Stew with Roasted G-nuts (peanuts), Cabbage Stew, Fried Rice and Vegetarian Chili. The community provided the staples for the lunch, and LBDC brought vegetables and spices. The workshops were a lot of fun to run, people had some pretty interesting conceptions about certain vegetables. Tomatoes are fattening?! Spinach, a source of protein? G-nuts give you the runs? The information and new recipes were well received. Overall the workshops ran smoothly. The agroforestry staff attended the workshops that we ran and are now equipped to run them themselves. Our hope is that the HIV volunteers who attended the workshops will incorporate the information they learned into their HIV/AIDS education, and the agroforestry staff will continue to run the workshop in more communities.

brainstorming food groups and categorizing foods

picking stones out of the rice...

that's a giant pot of beans!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nice to be able to share these Nutrition facts with the people and 'de-bunk' some of their food myths.
I am just about to teach nutrition to my physed students after Easter weekend!

Be blessed,

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you both for sharing your experiences with us during the last 6 months.
Safe travels.
Happy Easter from Canada. We have snow!
Aunt J. and Uncel A.

1:17 AM  

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